"The harder you work, the luckier you get." McAlexander

I'll be posting parenting information, whats happening with Guidance & Counseling, information about No Place For Hate, Bullyproofing our kids and any new information that come across my desk. Cheers!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


May 18, 2010

I went to a workshop yesterday that made me think... and reflect. The topic was Healing Racism and there were people from AISD, the City of Austin, the Sheriffs department and APD. I looked around the room and I saw people who really cared about this city and where we are going. The conversations were insightful and heartfelt but I walked away wondering... now what.

What do I do to bring this information back to MY home, Summitt? How do I open this conversation? How can I make it palatable?

Looks like I have some work to do this summer.