"The harder you work, the luckier you get." McAlexander

I'll be posting parenting information, whats happening with Guidance & Counseling, information about No Place For Hate, Bullyproofing our kids and any new information that come across my desk. Cheers!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Guidance lessons in Kinder and 1st grade

I have started going into the Kindergarten and First grade classes. In Kindergarten, we are learning ways to calm our bodies and why its important to follow directions. In first grade, we are learning the difference between big problems and little problems. Big problems need to be handled by an adult. First graders are learning different ways to take care of little problems using Kelso's choice.
Next week I will be starting groups - if you think your kiddo could benifit from group, give me a call or send me an e-mail. I am taking teacher requests for the groups too.