"The harder you work, the luckier you get." McAlexander

I'll be posting parenting information, whats happening with Guidance & Counseling, information about No Place For Hate, Bullyproofing our kids and any new information that come across my desk. Cheers!

Monday, August 30, 2010

What do School Counselors DO?

I was at a National Board Meeting this weekend and during lunch, a classroom teacher asked me, "So what do you do when you are not doing Guidance activities in the classroom?"
It was then that I realized that if a Teacher doesn't know what School Counselors do... odds are, Parents and community members dont know either.

So.... in a nutshell, this is what I do.

The first two weeks I consult with parents about new behaviors they are seeing with their child and also any changes in the home (new job, lost a job, new house, death of a grandparent, marriage, divorce ect).
I also consult with Teachers about the students they have in their classroom, help them problem solve and help them to provide the best educational environment they can.

Once the frantic first two weeks pass, I have the following schedule:
Monday - I meet with the principals, see individual students, do group counseling.
Tuesday - ARD/IMPACT/504 and parent conferences
Wednesday thru Friday - Guidance activities
Everyday - Crisis intervention

Then I have an area called Universal Components... they include the following:
Career/post seconday exploration (career fair, college day, classroom guidance), Family and Community Relationships (parenting classes, Blog, PTA, Parent newsletter), Attendance (Monitoring students attendance, monday morning groups, home visits, phone calls home), Academic connections (lunch group, IMPACT, classroom guidance, data reviews).

I also prepare Guidance lessons that are developmentally appropriate for pre-k thru 5 th grade.

Whew! So.... If you were ever wondering what a School Counselor does, hopefully, this is your answer!

I love this work and I love this community!


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